P5 = require("p5")
Be sweet to me, baby
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe
Be sweet
Be sweet to me, baby
I wanna believe in you
I wanna believe in something
– Japanese Breakfast
Okay, so… I write this blog using quarto, and quarto has native support for observable.js … and observable.js supports third-party javascript libraries such as p5.js executing in code cells… so, like… I can use p5.js to create generative art, inside the browser, inside a blog post? Right?
Apparently the answer to that is yes.
There is but one tiny problem. I don’t know anything about observable.js or p5.js. I supposed I’d best remedy that.
Enabling p5js
The first step in the process is enabling p5.js, which is not one of the core libraries in observable, and is not immediately available. To use a third-party library that exists as an NPM modules we can import it using require()
Just like that, thanks to the joy of the jsDelivr CDN, p5.js is now available to me in this post.
Well, sort of. As you can see from the output,1 the P5
object is a function that takes three inputs. To do anything useful with it, I’ll use a trick I learned from this fabulous notebook by Tom MacWright to run p5.js in “instance mode”. Normally, p5.js works by defining a lot of global objects. That works fine if you’re only doing one “sketch” on a single page, but it’s not so clean if you want to write modular code where a single page (like this one) could contain multiple p5.js sketches.
To run p5.js in instance mode, and in a way that plays nicely with observable.js and quarto, I’ll define createSketch
as a generator function:
function* createSketch(sketch) {
const element = DOM.element('div');
yield element;
const instance = new P5(sketch, element, true);
try {
while (true) {
yield element;
} finally {
Using this approach, each instantiation of P5
is attached to a div element that created when createSketch
is called. If you want to know more about how this approach works, it’s probably best to go to the original source that I adapted it from, because Tom has commented it and explained it nicely: observablehq.com/@tmcw/p5
Donut 1
In keeping with the tradition I’ve set up in the last few blog posts, all the examples are donut themed.2 When calling createSketch
I’ll pass an anonymous function that takes a single argument s
, the document element to which all the p5 functions are attached. I’ll use the arrow notation, so my code is going to look something like this:
createSketch(s => {
// add some p5.js code
The idea in p5.js is all the work is done by two functions. The setup
function includes code that is called only once, and if you want to draw static images you can do everything at the setup stage. In contrast the draw
function is called repeatedly, so you can use that to add dynamic elements.
Here’s an example of a static sketch that draws a single donut shape using two circles:
createSketch(s => {
s.setup = function() {
s.createCanvas(500, 500);
s.fill("red").circle(250, 250, 100);
s.fill("black").circle(250, 250, 30);
In this example:
creates the drawing area in which the sketch will be rendered. Arguments are the width and height in pixelsbackground
sets the background colour. The colour specification is flexible: it can be a recognised colour name, a hex string, or a numeric RGB specificationfill
sets the fill colourcircle
draws a circle: the first two arguments specify the origin of the circle, and the third argument specifies the diameter
I’ve used method chaining here to remind me that the first fill
and the first circle
go together: writing s.fill("red").circle(250, 250, 100)
on a single line helps me group code together conceptually. It’s mostly for my own convenience though.
Donut 2
Okay Danielle, that’s nice but it’s not that nice. Can we do something a little more interesting? Maybe with some dynamics? Well okay, Other Danielle, since you asked so sweetly, here’s an example with a moving circle that changes colour and traces out a donut shape:
createSketch(s => {
s.setup = function() {
s.createCanvas(500, 500);
s.draw = function() {
100 * s.cos(s.millis() * .001 * s.PI),
100 * s.sin(s.millis() * .001 * s.PI),
if (s.random(0, 1) < .1) {
s.fill(s.random(0, 255));
s.circle(250, 250, 100);
This example makes use of some geometry functions included in p5.j (sin
, cos
, translate
), a random number generator (random
), and timer that returns the number of milliseconds since the sketch started (millis
). These are all documented in the p5.js reference.
Donut 3
For the third example we’ll introduce some fonts, adapting an example from observablehq.com/@tmcw/p5. First, I’ll add some CSS to import the Courgette font:
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Courgette);
Now we can use that font in a p5.js scrolling window:
createSketch(s => {
s.setup = function() {
s.createCanvas(746, 300);
s.textAlign(s.CENTER, s.CENTER)
s.draw = function() {
s.millis() * (-0.1) % (s.width + 1000),
s.height / 2
s.text('Donuts: A Hole World', s.width + 500, 0);
Could life be any more thrilling than this?
Donut 4
Well, maybe it can. We could make it a little more interesting by using webGL to move our donut plots into the… THIRD DIMENSION! (Gasp!)
createSketch(s => {
s.setup = function() {
s.createCanvas(746, 746, s.WEBGL);
s.draw = function() {
let locX = s.mouseX - s.height / 2;
let locY = s.mouseY - s.width / 2;
s.ambientLight(60, 60, 60);
s.pointLight(190, 80, 190, locX, locY, 100);
s.pointLight(80, 80, 190, 0, 0, 100);
s.rotateX(s.frameCount * 0.01);
s.rotateY(s.frameCount * 0.01);
s.torus(150, 80, 64, 64);
If you move the mouse over the donut3 you’ll see that the light source moves with it.
Donut 5
For the final example, I’ll do a tiny bit of object-oriented programming. Inspired by a generative art course by Bernat Ferragut (ga-course.surge.sh) that I was skimming yesterday, I’ll define a Dot
class that creates a particle that moves around on the canvas and has the ability to bounce off circular boundaries:
class Dot {
constructor(sketch, x, y, colour, size) {
this.s = sketch;
this.x = x | 0;
this.y = y | 0;
this.colour = colour;
this.size = size;
this.velX = this.s.random(-2, 2);
this.velY = this.s.random(-2, 2);
on() {
this.s.circle(this.x, this.y, this.size);
move() {
this.x += this.velX;
this.y += this.velY;
bounce(radius, inside) {
let x = this.x - this.s.width/2;
let y = this.y - this.s.height/2;
if (
inside && x*x + y*y > radius * radius ||
!inside && x*x + y*y < radius * radius
) {
// https://math.stackexchange.com/a/611836
let nx = x / this.s.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
let ny = y / this.s.sqrt(x*x + y*y);
let vx = this.velX;
let vy = this.velY;
this.velX = (ny*ny - nx*nx)*vx - 2*nx*ny*vy;
this.velY = (nx*nx - ny*ny)*vy - 2*nx*ny*vx;
Naturally, I will use this to draw a donut:
createSketch(s => {
let n = 100;
let dot;
let dotList = [];
let palette = [
s.setup = function() {
s.createCanvas(746, 746);
for(let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let angle = s.random(0, s.TWO_PI);
let radius = s.width * s.random(.12, .33);
dotList.push(dot = new Dot(
s.width/2 + s.cos(angle) * radius,
s.height/2 + s.sin(angle) * radius,
s.random(1, 5)
s.draw = function() {
dotList.map(dot => {
dot.bounce(s.width * .35, true);
dot.bounce(s.width * .1, false);
Mmmm…. donuts.
An assignment like this would not normally produce any visible output for an observable.js code cell within in a quarto document, but I’ve set
output: all
for expository purposes.↩︎A tradition that, like most things, will last only until I get bored with it.↩︎
I can’t make up my mind if the colour scheme implies this is a bisexual donut or a trans donut. Oh wait, it’s probably both.↩︎
author = {Navarro, Danielle},
title = {Fun and Games with P5.js and Observable.js in Quarto},
date = {2023-01-14},
url = {https://blog.djnavarro.net/posts/2023-01-14_p5js/},
langid = {en}